Comeback and Renewal Team


We have established a Two Steeples team to plan for how and when to open our doors. The Comeback & Renewal Team is led by Jim Ranney. Members of the team so far include Scott Bigler, Sherri Hefty, Kay Midthun, Mike Reynolds and Amy Slaney.

The health and safety of our members and guests is a high priority, so the Team is closely monitoring guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and national, state and county officials. There is a lot of uncertainty about when we can open our doors. However, we are using this time apart to plan when we can be together again.

The Comeback & Renewal Team is identifying ways we can have worship services outdoors and/or indoors, and enjoy music, readings and messages. We have found new ways to learn and grow in our faith during the pandemic, and we will continue to do so. Stay tuned for more information as planning continues. It is frustrating when we can’t worship together or see our church family, but we can be assured that God is with us every step of the way. He makes amazing things come from difficult times.